Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I have nothing to say
Go on then bugger off! Don't stay
In my blog, it's going astray
Besides it's a lovely sunny day
Am off to lunch yay hoorayyy!


Anonymous said...

"He learn English total immersion
English/Japanese be mergin'
Into super combination
So can have fans in every nation
ong Kong they speak English to
Yearn of rappers just like you
Anglophones who live down under
Sooner later start to wonder
When they get they own rap star
tired of rappers from afar"

Vanny said...

Oh no. Don't tell me it's Hiro again.

Anonymous said...

Hiro's mate! Did this lyrics for my rock band-Meltdown.

Vanny said...

hmm Vitaly dear, who the bonnet de douche are you?